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These are the people elected at our annual AGM who help to run Isis CC on a
day-to-day basis. Everyone does it for the love of it, they are all voluntary
positions - getting people out on the water is just something we all enjoy doing!
Each member of the committee provides a report at the annual AGM about their
activities throughout the year.
Adam is the brains behind Isis CC. He spends a lot of time organising meetings with the committee members and coaches to ensure that all the cogs of our well oiled machine are in working order, and cracks the whip if they aren't. Adam's relaxed and friendly demeanour sets the tone for Isis CC.
Hannah Murray supports the chair and takes over in his absence, being the voice of reason and making sure he is correctly dressed etc...
Liam is in charge of the Isis CC purse strings. He keeps our accounts up-to-date with an impressive spreadsheet detailing all our income and expenditure. Liam also manages all the club's membership and course fees. He's the person we go to if we want to buy new resources for the club.
The Secretary is the first point of contact for the club if you have a general enquiry. She'll make sure your email is forwarded to the correct person faster than lightening. If you have a general query, and you don't know who to call, Claire Paterson is probably your woman.
Poor Liam, not only does he manage Isis CC's accounts, but he also keeps track of our members too. Liam is the person to go to for a membership form or if you have a query about joining the club. He liaises with our Course Director about the courses to make sure that allour members are present and correct.
Our beloved social secs keep the fun going when we're not on the river organising all manner of events from bowling and brewery tours to Isis staples such as the Summer Ball and the Xmas Dinner. Got an idea for a social, drop them an email.
We try to introduce lots of people to paddlesport each year and this is thanks to Simon's meticulous planning of our courses, and making sure we have enough coaches and helpers on the water to keep you safe. If you want to join one of our courses, contact Simon first to check that it will be suitable for you, and that we have space left, because they are very popular.
The course sec is the first point of contact for most of our newbies. Tired of spending the weekend playing tiddlywinks? Get yourself into a boat and learn how to paddle. Email the Course Secretary to sign up or for any course related questions in general.
Helena Hernandez has the thankless task of ensuring the kit is up to scratch and usable as well as organing maintenance days to get the kit ready for the next season.
You are currently reading this thanks to the handiwork of the webmaster. He deals with all things techie and regularly updates the website with our trip reports. If you spot anything that needs updating then the webmaster is the person to email.
In charge of trawling the forum and filling our newsletter with upcoming club trips and events and sending it out to our members.
The first point of contact for any personal safety or welfare issues.
Where would we be without our team of loyal and very hardworking volunteer coaches and helpers?
You can find out more about them on the Meet the Coaches page.